
Who Is the World’s Best Man?

Who Is the World’s Best Man?

Whenever this question comes up, “Who is the world’s best man?”, the life history and character of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) comes out to be the best example. Muhammad the prophet of Islam is regarded and respected by all Muslims and indeed more than a billion Muslims across the globe and people of other faiths also regard him as one of the most distinguished and kind-hearted personalities in the history of mankind. His existence from 570 to 632 is a source of inspiration still as one of the humblest and greatest human beings to have ever existed. 

1. The Best 

Even before Allah bestowed Prophet Muhammad with His Divine Revelation, he was known as Al-Amin (the Trustworthy) and As-Sadiq (the Truthful). As such, by the time he started preaching the word of Islam, he had already earned a good reputation for his honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. Respect and regard are essential aspects of Islam, and he held these for all people, regardless of their social status, gender, or religion.

2. A Leader of Compassion and Justice

In addition to being a religious leader, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was also a political leader and a social reformer. He set up a community based on the principles of equity, fairness, and caring. He focused on the rights of those economically disadvantaged, orphans, and women during a time when they did not receive much attention.

As an illustration, he stated:

“Whatever is best for you is the one who is best towards his wife.”

And this reshaped the very essence of relationships by emphasizing the importance of benevolence towards one another.

He also provided an unparalleled model of governance in which justice prevailed over all. He respected the law even when it was personal and famously stated that even if his daughter Fatima (RA) stole, she too would be punished.

3. An Exemplar of Patience and Perseverance

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went through a lot of suffering throughout his life. He was at one point a target of ridicule in Makkah and later a target in battles, and betrayal but through it all, he remained patient. His capability of being patient and hopeful amidst tough situations encouraged his followers to stay true to their beliefs and values.

4. A Blessing for Humanity

One more affirmation of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah is the one stated in the Holy Quran; the Prophet is a blessing for all the people. Hazrat Muhammad’s compassion included not only human beings but animals and nature as well. He advocated compassion towards every living creature and forbade excess of anything including natural resources.

He once said: “Show mercy to those on Earth, and the One in the heavens will show mercy to you.” This message of universal compassion remains relevant and inspiring today. 


Hazard Muhammad (PBUH) is the best man ever as Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the clearest example of what a best man should be. His life is a manual for every human being on the globe as a leader, a father, a man, and a teacher. Even now, many people are transformed by and are taught by his messages of love, justice, and humility and are directed to peace and harmony. “Who is the world’s best man”’ is not just an act of belief but a praise for what he has done for the people of the world. Truly, his life is evidence for all people of the good virtues which a person can have.

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