
How to Pray Tahajjud Prayer – Importance of Tahajjud Prayer?

How to Pray Tahajjud Prayer - Importance of Tahajjud Prayer?

The Tahajjud prayer is an example of non-obligatory prayer that occurs during the quiet hours of the night, done to draw oneself closer to Allah. Like other prayers, it is extremely important in Islam and is considered a serious act of devotion. The virtue of the Tahajjud prayer is that it deepens one’s faith and also brings many rewards and mercy from Allah. In the subsequent sections, we look at the process of how to pray the Tahajjud prayer importance of Tahajjud prayer.

What is the Tahajjud Prayer?

It is a night of voluntary prayer said after the mandatory Isha prayer and before the Fajr prayer. It is a deed of worship that means getting out of sleep during the night to connect with Allah on a greater level. While a person doesn’t need to do it, the reward for doing it is great.

In numerous verses, Allah mentions the evening prayer and its spiritual perks. Allah says in Surah Al-Isra 17:79, “And during the night, wake up for prayer as an extra offering of devotion for you; it is expected that your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station.”

How to Pray Tahajjud Prayer?

Praying Tahajjud is straightforward and can be added to your schedule with intention and commitment. Follow these steps to pray Tahajjud prayer the right way:

Make the Intention (Niyyah)

To perform the Tahajjud, the first step is to sincerely pray in your heart saying you will do this for the sake of Allah.

Wake Up During the Night

Tahajjud is performed after a part of the night’s sleep has occurred. The best time to wake up is towards the last third of the night, as Allah’s mercy is abundant and it is considered the most virtuous time as well.

Perform Ablution (Wudu)

To attain both spiritual and physical purity, Wudu must be completed before the Tahajjud.

Start with Two Rak’ahs

The minimum rak’at needed for performing Tahajjud is two; however, if a person has time and ability, they may also pray in pairs (2, 4, 6, or 8 rak’ahs).

Recite Specific Verses from the Quran

Try and recite specific verses from the Quran between the Fajr and Iqama. Your focus is at its peak, or stare into the depths of the verse as you recite it. Choose the longer Surahs or whichever verse touches the realm of your soul.

Make Dua (Supplications)

Once you finish your Tahajjud prayer, recite your duas. Remember, those in the night have a higher chance of being accepted. So do deeper and more sincere supplication as the demons of despair rest during the night.

What’s the Importance of the Tahajjud Prayer?

The Tahajjud cannot be done at any time of the day; its importance cannot be overstated. It is rich with spiritual, emotional, and worldly benefits. Here are some of its key significances.

Sign of Devotion

Love and devotion towards Allah are what the Tahajjud prayer embodies. The hope of waking up for Fajr prayer while the world is asleep is a strong indicator of a person’s devotion to Allah and guidance.

Strengthened Faith (Iman)

By praying the Tahajjud, you foster a deeper and richer bond with Allah which, in turn, deepens your faith and reliance on Allah. It serves as a reminder of His existence and aligns one’s actions with what is commanded.

Each Day Comes as an Opportunity! 

Most times, during the night, Allah forgives all the sins committed throughout the day. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 

‘Who will call upon Me that I may answer him? Who will ask Me that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness that I may forgive him?’ (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim) 

A Night Solitary Retail Therapy

Praying during the quiet hours of the night. Tahajjud is a gateway to peace and clarity which ultimately helps one in making better decisions and overcoming challenges in life. During the silence of the night, one can direct his thoughts towards Allah with utmost devotion. 

Rewards are Untold

While the blessings of Tahajjud are vast, the rewards of voluntary prayer are endless. One of the preferred deeds is, praying during the quiet hours and the reward is for both duniya and Aakhira. 

Tips for Practicing Tahajjud Prayer 

The sensitive nature of the Tahjud prayer makes it essential for the practitioner to devote time to it and build a skill set around it. Making a couple of changes in your regular schedule can assist in developing this as a routine part of worship. For Tahajjud, you must know how to pray and the Tahajjud prayer importance of the Tahajjud prayer.

Say Goodbye to Scrolling and Go to Bed Early 

To wake up on time, one must sleep early. Set an earlier time for getting up, and in all honesty, what you focus on before sleeping affects your day as well. Select a time to turn off all electronics and avoid goal-oriented tasks such as excessive scrolling at night.

Set an Alarm

Those who struggle to get up in the morning can position an alarm clock on the opposite side of the bed as a motivating tactic. A family member can even nudge them out of bed.

Start Small

To move towards waking up for Tahajjud, start by offering two rak’ahs. Increase the number as the body gets used to waking up at that time. 

Remind Yourself of the Rewards

Consider putting up notes regarding the reward one earns for performing the Tahajjud prayer to stay motivated. 

Seek Allah’s Help

Sincerely ask Allah to enable you to pray Tahajjud. That honest dua together with seeking guidance makes staying consistent much easier.


1. Is Tahajjud prayer obligatory?

Tahajjud is an optional prayer that isn’t mandatory but is strongly encouraged to be performed as it has unsurpassed rewards.

2. When should I pray Tahajjud?

It should be performed in the last part of the night before Fajr prayers.

3. Is it possible to pray Tahajjud without sleeping?

Despite the fact it is recommended to spend at least a portion of the night in sleep, if there is complete focus on the intention of the prayer, then yes, it is possible to pray Tahajjud without prior sleep.


You have to know how to pray the Tahajjud prayer importance of the Tahajjud prayer. By praying in the still of the night and thanking the Almighty, you will have the power to feel his presence, which is both cleansing and refreshing.

The ability to incorporate Tahajjud into your daily routine brings with it an array of advantages and blessings. This unique prayer changes the devout person, soothes their heart, and calms their soul. One can only hope that Allah blesses all humans with the strength to remain grateful, have faith in the ever-sustaining, a exercise patience.

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