
Interesting Facts About Islam

Interesting Facts About Islam

Out of all major religions encompassing today’s society, Islam is by far the most populous as a staggering 1.9 billion people subscribe to this faith across the globe. It possesses a rich history, unique customs, and a strong spiritual core stemming from the last prophet of god, Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Holy Quran. The following provides insight into several interesting facts about Islam

1. Deriving of the term Islam

The understanding of Islam derives from the Arabic word root S-L-M, which stands for submission and surrender, to begin with. Otherwise, Islam is the belief that everyone is equal in front of the almighty Allah (God) and that His will has to be followed.

2. World Religion with the Most Impressive Growth 

Unsurprisingly Islam has been officially crowned as the fastest growing religion in the world. This is primarily attributed to the high population growth of mainly Muslim countries, their number of converts, and Muslims are spread to every corner of the world with their message.

3. The Five Pillars of Islam

Five basic pillars form the foundation on which Islam resides. They are as follows:

  • Shahada (Faith): Declaration of faith in One God, Allah, and the acceptance of Muhammad as His prophet.
  • Salah (Prayer): Five daily prayers to be performed by every practicing Muslim.
  • Zakat (Charity): The practice of giving a part of one’s wealth for the welfare of humanity.
  • Sawm (Fasting): The practice of fasting for the period of Ramadan.
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage): It’s an obligation for individuals who have affluence to visit the pilgrimage at the mecca.

4. Kuran-i Kerim

A text to be viewed as the utterance of God, in his words, and through his prophet Muhammed in 23 years, forms the structure of the religion of Islam. It includes 114 chapters and guides people in life in all of its details including morality and law.

5. Science and Islam

Islam has a strong relation to Science. There are many scientific facts in the Quran, including the embryonic development of a human being known nowadays as the creation of the universe and the processes of the water cycle, which were established many centuries ago.

6. The Month of Ramadan and Fasting

As the 9th month Islamic calendar, Ramadan is an important and holy month observed by almost all Muslims around the world. One of the key principles for the month of Ramadan is fasting from dawn to sunset which naturally emphasizes self-control, gratitude, and appreciation for the less fortunate within the community.

7. One Happy Family

One of the essential teachings of Islam is the entitlement of every humanity’s existence. No matter what one’s race or banner is or what rank society accords him, a Muslim is a brother and sister to everyone in faith. The fact that millions of people wear the same kind of simple white garment to the desert of sacred and holy cities during the Hajj once a year also emphasizes their Muslim unity.


Islam is far more than a religion for its followers since Islam offers its followers a whole new way of life on how to live for the good of oneself and society. Interesting facts about Islam indicate the breadth of Islamic teachings its practical application and the purpose it serves in the world.

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